Sorghum: The Gluten-Free Grain that Packs a Healthy Punch

Sorghum is an ancient grain that has been cultivated for centuries around the world. This once unfamiliar grain is becoming more popular in the West thanks to people seeking healthier alternatives to processed foods. So what exactly is this mystery grain and why should you eat it? Let's check it out!

Uses of Sorghum

This nutritious whole grain that has been grown as a staple crop in Africa, India, and Southeast Asia for centuries. It is a very bio-diverse plant that comes in a variety of shapes and colors. This diversity creates a ton of different uses for sorghum. Depending on the subspecies, it can be ground into a flour, cooked like rice or quinoa, popped like corn, brewed into beer, or converted into sweet syrup. In the United States, sorghum has traditionally been grown for fuel and animal feed! But as public awareness of this tasty whole-grain spreads, farmers are growing more sorghum for human consumption.

Gluten-Free? Yes, sir-ee!

Sorghum is safe for people suffering from Celiac disease or gluten intolerance. The sticky gluten protein that is impossible or difficult for many to digest is not found in sorghum, making it a great alternative to glutinous grains. With sorghum products, you won't have to worry about any bloating or uncomfortable digestion that often accompanies gluten intolerance.  You can also modify your favorite recipes to be gluten-free by substituting a sorghum-based flour. Easy peasy!

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Besides being safe for a gluten-free diet, sorghum boasts a seriously impressive nutrition profile. This unassuming grain delivers more antioxidants per serving than blueberries and pomegranates! Antioxidants help to fight chronic inflammation in the body, reducing the risk of some diseases, like diabetes, cancer, obesity, and heart disease. Now those are some benefits we can get behind. Pass the Beet Puffs, please!

May Reduce Risk of Colon and Skin Cancer

Recent studies have discovered evidence that various components of sorghum may help fight cancer. In one study conducted in Missouri, scientists showed that sorghum inhibited the spread of colon cancer cells. In a different Spanish study, researchers showed that the tannins present in sorghum grains may slow the growth of melanoma. While there is more research to be done on the many benefits of sorghum, these positive results are truly impressive!

May Help Lower Cholesterol

Not only is sorghum rich in antioxidants, but it is also naturally high in fiber and rich in plant protein. As part of a plant-based diet, this nutritious combo helps to prevent heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels in the blood. You can benefit from these exciting properties of sorghum by sprinkling the whole grain on a salad or using sorghum flour in your favorite recipe.

Serving Suggestions

Are you ready to give sorghum a try? Here are some easy ways to enjoy the many health benefits of this unassuming cereal grain:
  • Popped as a low-calorie, nutrient-dense snack.
  • Baked with almonds as granola to top your plant-based yogurt for breakfast.
  • Cooked and served with tofu and veggies in a hearty grain bowl.
  • Slow-cooked with beans and peppers into a spicy, flavorful chili.
  • Blended into a hearty carrot soup.
  • Baked into banana-nut muffins.
  • Many, many more!
While sorghum may not be the most familiar grain to many of us, its robust nutrition profile certainly deserves our attention. Between sorghum's health benefits, its many varieties, and its light, sweet flavor, we can't wait to dig in! Remember to subscribe to Vegan Rob's to get inside info on new products, coupons, free tastings, and more!
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